Monday, January 18, 2010

Add Some Fuel To The Fire

This tiny little verse spoke volumes to me today...

"No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light. Luke 11:33

How many of us christians after receiving something so great as salvation from our Lord are too... shy to display or rather show our faith to others? When the Lord forgives our sins and we become christians we often hear things such as being "on fire for God" meaning we want to learn more and more about Christ, and we want to share these things with others. But often we, even those who have been christian thier whole life, tend to shy out or not even attempt to share our faith with others. We worry, "I wonder what these people will think of me if I start talking about God and Jesus." This unfortunatley, because of the vanity in our lives, often keeps us from sharing the truth of the gospel with someone who may really need it, or even be seeking it! We are more worried about our own popularity, than we are with someones salvation! I myself have been guilty of this from time to time! The thing is, we recieved a light to shine forth in a darkened world, to hold up high, to help light a path for others to follow to Christ. The higher we raise this light the better people can see where they are going, even to help ourselves so that we do not trip and fall in our own walk on this path. The more we lower this light, perhaps because we are afraid it may hurt someones eyes, the less we can see, and the less they can see. Eventually we may hide this light entirely, like covering it with a bowl. You take a candle, add a bowl. The candle then has no oxygen to fuel the fire and the flame... dies. It's time we ceased to hide our fires inside, but to hold them up as high as we can, and even add a little gasoline to the mix to create an explosion within not only ourselves, but to other christians. And to create a fire so big that anyone, no matter how dark the road they travel, can see for miles as everything around them is lit up like the Fourth of July.

I pray that anyone reading this will be blessed, that christians who read this may show thier faith more often, and that they pray for me as well, so that I may do the same.


  1. People do tend to shy away from sharing their faith, it seems as though it is treated more as a decease rather then the only why to save your very own soul. Your light is shining bright for many to see Tony, the fight is always on as you know, you have taken many Sharp blows, however, even if these blows bring you to your knees , you get right back up! Another great blog my friend! Big Hug, God Bless my friend!

  2. Thanks Janna :)I do get back up... sometimes a little wobbly though lol!
