Monday, June 29, 2009

Light A Candle... Let God Thow Some Gasoline On It

Light A Candle....Let God Throw Some Gasoline On It

It seems to me, that the darkest of all places on this place called Earth, are sometimes within ourselves, deep down in our very own hearts. Sometimes it feels like the darkness within us threatens to suck us down kicking and screaming, crying out for help with a silent voice, untill eventually we give in and we go willingly into the pitch black area of our inner most prison and all light is just....gone. This is where we find despair, and hate, and all manner of dark emotions. And although we strive to break free from our chains and escape the walls that enclose us, we just can not! No manner of help from our closest friends and family can help to pull us out and eventually we lose all hope. No one can save us. Or so we think at the time...
God can hear us and help us no matter how far down we fall into the dark, and no matter how strong the chains that bind us, and no matter how thick and empenetrable the wall surrounding us. A simple prayer to God from someone can light that candle within our darkest corner and that light can grow! And if we ourselves cry out to God with all our hearts, truly seeking Him, that little light can burst forth and illuminate our entire being.... our entire soul. Seek Jesus, if you are in a dark place. Cry out to Him and He will help. He loves us and wants to help us in our time of need. And if you know someone who is struggling in a dark place, pray for that person. Light a candle within them, that they know they are loved.
God bless,

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